Welcome to Hague Publishing's November 2015 newsletter.
In this newsletter
- Coming soon
- ON by Jon Puckridge
- Recent releases
- Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb, book 1 in the Safe Harbour Chronicle
- Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers, book 2 in the Frontier Series
- Across the Bridge of Ice by Ruth Fox, book 2 in the Bridges Series
- Other news
- The latest book trailer for ON by Jon Puckridge
- The latest book trailer for Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb
- Artwork reveal for Frontier Defiant, the last in the Frontier series by Leonie Rogers
- Lesley Truffle's Hotel Du Barry to be released by Harper Collins in January
- Hague Publishing on Social Media.
Breaking news: Shaune, author of Cold Faith will have a table at the Brisbane SupaNova Expo (November 27-29). So, if you're in the area look her up. She will have signed copies of Cold Faith available for purchase.
Remember; to be kept informed follow us on:
- GooglePlus,
- Facebook, or
- Twitter.
Coming January 2016
ON by Jon Puckridge
OneWorld is a planet orbited by thousands of satellite cities, and home to 23 billion humans. A place where governments, police forces and law courts compete for business within a wholly privatised system; where murder, rape and torture are merely extra items on your insurance policy; where a corporation owns the license for time; and where scientific fact has been replaced by ‘consumer information’. In OneWorld, every product wirelessly links to the ‘grID’, and people spend most of their scheduled ‘waketime’ moving through various overlapping realities via their grID visors.
But now the precarious balance of OneWorld is tipping as the largest of the global corporations launches the next phase of networking: One Network, or ‘ON’. By the time Youren Cartouche, a copywriter working on the advertising campaign for ON, and Constantin Zann, an advanced bio-mechanical detective investigating the strange murder of a human girl, both uncover the truth, they will be fighting for their very existence within a reality disintegrating around them.
Recent releases
Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb
Early praise for Cold Faith
"Gripped from the beginning"
Debra - DnS Media Book Reviews
"... creative and engrossing ... death, treachery and lies are all interwoven brilliantly into the story. "
Jemma Telford - Reviewer
"It hit a lot of the right notes for me in terms of description, character development, world-building - and the twist at the end was great!"
Toni L.H. Boughton - author of 'Wolf Running'
The Story
A protracted volcanic winter has devastated Earth, leaving only isolated pockets of survivors. With food becoming scarcer and the air growing toxic, Rab sees just one chance for survival: a perilous journey north in search of a fabled city where ships were rumoured to have been launched, ferrying the people of Earth to a salvation planet. But Rab didn't count on being forced into taking the last three children from his dying village, or on coming across the hostile and sceptical Sunny living with her grandfather in comparative luxury among a large band of refugees in an underground sanctuary. When her grandfather begs to join Rab's party, Sunny, to Rab's dismay, insists on coming with them. Years ago, Sunny had been the lone survivor of a similar quest. The reason behind the failure of that quest is something Sunny has never revealed, not even to her grandfather. And Rab is now to discover why.
Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers
The release of our third print on demand, and the second in the Frontier series has been Leonie Rogers' Frontier Resistance. Once again the cover is by Emma Llewelyn, with typography by Scarlett Rugers.
About the Book
The Garsal have landed, the world has changed, and Shanna has gifts that might save everyone. With her starcats by her side and her friends around her, she must try to master her gifts and seek out the alien invaders before they enslave her world. On the plateau the Council under Tamazine (the Senior Councillor) allies with the Starlyne race, but Tamazine's distrust of the alliance creates a fatal weakness.
Purchase paperback from Hague Publishing, (free postage throughout Australia) or from Amazon.com
Across the Bridge of Ice by Ruth Fox
Praise for the series
"A resounding 5 stars" Terry Jackman - reviewer Albedo One
" ... beautifully written with intriguing world building ... " Christina - Ensconced in YA
" I love ... its delicious mix of genres; allegory, family story, fantasy, science fiction. ... "Readalot
5 out of 5 stars, "Readers will be drawn in from the first page." A Creative Mind
The Story
In 'The City of Silver Light', Keira Leichman spent the night lost in a wild snowstorm that struck Cassidy Heights. But what really happened that night? Not even Keira can be sure. What she does know is that she's been having strange dreams since the accident, and now she's stuck with a broken ankle and the possibility of never playing soccer again. That is, until she finds Jake's telescope, which calls her to the City of Silver Light.
Other news
The latest book trailer for ON by Jon Puckridge
The latest book trailer for Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb.
The new artwork for Frontier Defiant, the last in the Frontier series by Leonie Rogers
Frontier Defiant will be available late 2016. In the meantime, just to keep whet people's appetites, we have the artwork for the cover which shows Shanna and her two starcats Storm and Twister. Shanna's eyes were actually modelled on Leonie's daughter. The artwork was created by Jade Zivanovic from 'Dark Rune Creations'. Jade has also worked with us in the past for the covers of Cold Faith and Isis, Vampires and Ghosts - Oh My.
Lesley Truffle's first novel Hotel Du Barry to be released by Harper Collins Australia 25 January 2016
Lesley Truffle signed a two book deal with Harper Collins in April 2015 - this is her first novel. Lesley is a fantastic author who we are hoping to publish in 2017. The book will be available as both a paperback and ebook, and based on what I've seen of her work I can't recommend her enough.
About the book:
London's luxurious HOTEL DU BARRY has been left unscathed by WW1 and the party has just begun: tainted love, murderous desires and gin. It's THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL with a dash of Gatsby.
When a laughing baby is found amongst the Hotel du Barry's billowing sheets, tucked up in an expensive pair of ladies' bloomers and neatly pegged to the laundry line, the hotel staff resolve to keep the child. The hotel's owner, Daniel du Barry, still mourning the loss of his lover in an automobile accident, adopts the little girl, names her after his favourite champagne and seeks consolation in fatherhood. Cat du Barry grows up beloved by both hotel staff and guests, equally at home in the ninth floor premium suite as she is in the labyrinth below stairs. Years later when Daniel du Barry dies in sinister circumstances, Cat determines to solve the mystery with the assistance of her extended hotel family.
From hotel detective to roguish Irish gigolo, from compassionate housekeeper to foxy chamber maid, each will play their wicked part in this novel that will charm, amuse and delight.
Hague Publishing on Social Media:
Regular blog updates keep people informed about what is happening at Hague Publishing, and in the world at large (so long as it involves ebooks). Some recent topics covered have included:
- New trailer now avialable for 'Cold Faith'
- Does online advertising work for books?
- Statistics, damn statistics, and wishful thinking - the not-death of the ebook
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And remember all of our ebooks are also available from the following in addition to our own online store (in alphabetical order):
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