Do NetGalley’s reviews provide a return on investment

Cost-Benefit scalesTravis Neighbour Ward posted a question on the Independent Publishers of New England google+ page as to whether anyone who used Netgalley to post books before they’re published felt it was worth the money? And how many reviews had it generated per book for you on average? NetGalley provides digital review copies to professional readers, including booksellers, librarians, media, bloggers, reviewers and educators. The cost to list a title with them for 6 months is $400, or $300 if you are a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and do it through them. As others might be interested in my response I thought it would be useful to put an edited version of my reply out to a wider audience.

We’re using Netgalley for the third time at the moment for Janis Hills’ Isis, Vampires and Ghosts – Oh My!. We used IBPA for our second book Shelley Davidow’s Lights Over Emerald Creek. While listing with IBPA is cheaper, and it also gets you a mailout which you would have to pay for separately if you don’t list with them, the level of information you get about those downloading the book isn’t as useful (although IBPA will provide you with detailed information on request). As I am interested in building up our own email list of past reviewers I’ve reverted to listing seperately.  Continue reading

Not one of our books, but one of our authors: Ruth Fox has a new children’s book out via Amazon

Cover of Sand Dog by Ruth FoxAs the title says, Ruth Fox has a new children’s book out called Sand Dog. Its not one of ours, and I haven’t read it yet, but it would be worth checking out. The book is available as both an eBook and paperback (in full colour) from Amazon.

Sand Dog:

Print Length: 26 pages
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Price: Paperback $10.20
Price: eBook $4.13

“I was pretty sure I was going to hate living in Sunshine Bay. There was no skate park or video store, just a beach and a lot of clouds. But then I met Sand Dog …”

A young boy moves house with his mother. Far from the city where he has grown up, the beach seems a desolate, uninteresting place. But with the help of a very special friend, maybe things won’t be so bad after all! Sand Dog is a story of friendship, adjustment and acceptance, as well as the wonder and importance of an active imagination. Accompanied by bright illustrations in a unique style, this story will resonate with anyone who has ever felt in need of a companion.


Hague Publishing at Continuum X


ContinuumX picture

Thanks to Leonie Rogers (author of Frontier Incursion and the soon to be released Frontier Resistance), who has invited us to share a ‘market stall’ at Continuum X, the 53rd Australian National Science Fiction Convention, with her next weekend, we will have a presence at the convention. If you are visiting the convention make sure you catch up with her, and check out some of the work from our other fantastic authors.