Ruth Fox’ ‘The White Pavilion’ – now available for pre-order (released 4 Dec)

Leonie Roger’s ‘Amethyst Pledge’ is now available for pre-order, from your preferred online ebook supplier, or your local bookshop.
Release date is 17 April
A sample is available at: http://haguepublishing.com/sample/AmethystPledge.html
‘ON’ by Jon Puckridge (to be released in January 2016) is now available for pre-order from:
and soon from all other reputable eBook distributors.
OneWorld is a planet orbited by thousands of satellite cities, and home to 23 billion humans. A place where governments, police forces and law courts compete for business within a wholly privatised system; where murder, rape and torture are merely extra items on your insurance policy; where a corporation owns the license for time; and where scientific fact has been replaced by ‘consumer information’. In OneWorld, every product wirelessly links to the ‘grID’, and people spend most of their scheduled ‘waketime’ moving through various overlapping realities via their grID visors.
But now the precarious balance of OneWorld is tipping as the largest of the global corporations launches the next phase of networking: One Network, or ‘ON’. By the time Youren Cartouche, a copywriter working on the advertising campaign for ON, and Constantin Zann, an advanced bio-mechanical detective investigating the strange murder of a human girl, both uncover the truth, they will be fighting for their very existence within a reality disintegrating around them.
Across the Bridge of Ice by Ruth Fox will be released 31 January 2015, and can already be pre-ordered from the following stores:
and from our own store at: HaguePublishing
Across the Bridge of Ice is the sequel to The City of Silver Light of which has earned 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon.com and universal praise from those who have read it:
” … beautifully written with intriguing world building … ” Christina – Ensconced in YA
” I love … its delicious mix of genres; allegory, family story, fantasy, science fiction. … ” Readalot
“I heartily recommend this book at any reader who enjoys something a bit out of the general line.” Sally Odgers, Children’s and Teen Fiction Author
In ‘The City of Silver Light’, Keira Leichman spent the night lost in a wild snowstorm that struck Cassidy Heights. But what really happened that night? Not even Keira can be sure. What she does know is that she’s been having strange dreams since the accident, and now she’s stuck with a broken ankle and the possibility of never playing soccer again. Continue reading
Frontier Resistance, the much awaited sequel to Frontier Incursion is now available for pre-order from
Due for release on 3 October 2014 a sample is available here.
The Garsal have landed and Frontier has changed forever. Now Shanna and her friends must master their new gifts that will enable them to seek out the alien invaders before they enslave her world.
On the plateau the Council under Tamazine (the Senior Councillor) allies with the Starlyne race. Only united do the Scouts, their starcats, and the Starlyne have any chance of surviving, but Tamazine’s distrust of the alliance creates a fatal weakness.
Below, the Garsal plot. They need a new pool of human slaves to expand their empire, but first, they must locate the humans already on Frontier and subdue them. Time is running out for both invader and settler, and the outcome hangs in the balance.