‘Behind the Words’ and C31 to air an interview with Leonie Rogers this week

Photo of Behind the Words crewLeonie Rogers’ interview from Continuum will be shown Monday 29 September at 8pm on Channel 31 on ‘Behind the Words’. The show is being repeated Tuesday at 7:30am, and again on Sunday at 12am.

For those of us without access to this show (which includes a lot of us in Australia, and everyone outside it Australia) it will be available on Catch-Up TV from around the 5th of October at (http://www.c31.org.au).


Hague Publishing at Continuum X


ContinuumX picture

Thanks to Leonie Rogers (author of Frontier Incursion and the soon to be released Frontier Resistance), who has invited us to share a ‘market stall’ at Continuum X, the 53rd Australian National Science Fiction Convention, with her next weekend, we will have a presence at the convention. If you are visiting the convention make sure you catch up with her, and check out some of the work from our other fantastic authors.