Feeling more settled this morning after a decent sleep in #QueenAnnesMansions. Ducked out to get the morning paper. #TheSundaySun reports #Martians have completely wrecked #Woking Station!
@hgwellsbro am now almost beside myself. Where are you?
And #TheSundaySun says #Martians have massacred a whole battalion of the #CardiganRegiment! They have #armour, #heatrays, and #tripods! #fear #heartpoundingagain
#Refugees from further west have begun to appear in #London. @graceharwoodstewart and I have been handing out water and directing them towards @NUWSS stations. Currently on short break to #refuelourselves
#London population is beginning to #panic. Totally exhausted from handing out water and providing direction to #fleeingpublic
Can it be as #bad as we have been told? Are the #Martians really coming? Did #gravity #notwin?
@NUWSS has sent word. #Guns are being sent to defend #London. This is #real. 116 guns are in position. #willtherebeenough? #heatray #Martians
@lizcadbury showed us #TheTimes #Martians reported to be 100 feet tall! #spiderlike #heatray #fastasanexpresstrain
Will 116 guns be #enough? #fearfulagain #whydoesmyheartpoundsohard
Further news from @NUWSS HQ. Any further #Martian cylinders will be destroyed by #highexplosives
I am now swinging from #hope to #despair. Must #getmyselftogether #help #iwillbeadoctor one day #determination
Sounds of #gunsfiring How far away are they? And where is @hgwellsbro ? No contact. No #messages. Could he be #injured?
Unable to say #theotherword Telegraph lines are down. #hewillbeallright
@NUWSS has sent further word. All possible preparations have been made. #nowwewait
Woken by #loudnoise and #light Came from the direction of #BusheyPark Could it be the #Martians? #heartpounding Checked emergency stores again. Got dressed. Sleeping in #dividedskirts
Woken by @londonbobbys going door to door. #evacuationorders #blacksmoke #suffocationrisk #whatelsearetheynottellingus
Counsel with @graceharwoodstewart and @lizcadbury Decided to stay. @londonbobbys say #blacksmoke is heavy. #wearefrightenedbutdetermined #someonemusthelp #blacksmokewarnings
Lots of activity on #Thames. Boats and ships all over the place. People are in the streets, streaming away from #London
Had breakfast, made plans. @lizcadbury will stay here. @graceharwoodstewart and I will venture out to provide aid. #crowdsgrowingfast #injuriesoutsideourdoors @londonbobbys trying hard to maintain order
#filthy #exhaustedalready #hopewehaveenoughsupplies #thankheavensforpockets #panic #trainsfailing #guns #crushinjuries #death #childrenhavedied #amIreallyhelping @londonbobbys have lost control
Resting at #QueenAnnesMansions #chaos #crowds #toomanyboatsontheThames
#blacksmoke to the east. We can see it from the windows. Looks to be near #BlackfriarsBridge #fear #toocloseforcomfort
Saw my first #Martian on the #horizon. Was looking out the window trying not to cry #silhouetteonthehorizon #tripods #whereisthegovernment? #whereisthearmy? #afraid
Saw my first #Martian on the #horizon. Was looking out the window trying not to cry #silhouetteonthehorizon #tripods #whereisthegovernment? #whereisthearmy? #afraid
What do we do if #Martians use #blacksmoke here?
@hgwellsbro where are you? #despair
Populace is terrified. #refugees #toofrightenedtothink We are sitting tight, saving our energy for when it’s really bad. #canitgetworse?
#blacksmoke #whydidwestay? #arewereallygoingtohelp?
@lizcadbury is inspiring. #wearesafeonfloor10 @lizcadbury reminded me that #survivors will rewrite history. And that #weareheretohelp #nomatterwhat #wehaveaplan
We watched #blacksmoke trickle past. It #flowslikewater but stays low. #safeonfloorten But who else is safe?
#tripods now in central #London #blacksmoke #kills #death #tryingtostaycalm @graceharwoodstewart says we need to figure out how to #survive the #blacksmoke
How do we #survive the #blacksmoke when we don’t know what it is?
Reminded myself to #inventory the supplies. Restocked #pockets. Cleaned myself up. Still #afraid. Still #determined Still #wanttohelp #wishIknewhow
@lizcadbury is sensible. Reminded us to rest so we can #figurestuffout tomorrow. Too hard in the #dark. Not sure I can #sleep. #fear. #fatigue.
Woke early, felt a little better and more hopeful this morning. Can’t believe I #slept. @lizcadbury is down the hall checking on @sirjohntheengineer He’s old, but #clever. She reckons he might have some #ideas. He did build the railways…
Now feeling worse again. #Martians are stalking through London. We can see them from our building. #cantheyseeus?
More #blacksmoke
Weird thing happened. #Martians cleared sea of #blacksmoke with ?steam
So many #bodies #devastated #ihavenomoretears
So many strange #sounds #aloo #sirensounds #spinechilling
At least I am #notalone
Woke early. #London #silence. #eerie. #bodiesinthestreets
?Steam cleared streets of #blacksmoke so we went out to see if we could help #strangesounds from far away today. Is someone #fightingback?
@graceharwoodstewart and @lizcadbury and I found no survivors today #bodies everywhere. Too #frightened to go very far. #blacksmokekills #whatiftheycomeback?
@sirjohntheengineer is coming for #dinner
#wearehavingaguest #whydoesthisfeelsostrange?
#feelsouseless #whydidwestay #shouldwemovethebodies #theywillstink
@sirjohntheengineer has a keen intellect and has made some observations
@sirjohntheengineer says #blacksmoke definitely affected by water. Turns to ?#powder and then sinks. Could this #help?
@sirjohntheengineer has corresponded with an Italian scientist @GMarconiwireless over the last three years. He has a #newfangledtelegraph #nowires! #scienceforthewin #hope
@sirjohntheengineer says he’s been trying to contact the government #whereisthegovernment? on his #wirelesstransmitter but that there’s some kind of interference.