Day 22 – Tuesday

A Deserted London

22-Jun 00:01 – Tuesday

The reduction in the number of Martians patrolling London allows the NUWSS hospital to open quietly. Red weed continues to choke the streets, and people still have to hide from the Martians to access help, but the wireless communication and organisation from the surviving NUWSS members provide hope for survivors.


Still at his underground base Morant and his followers toast Queen Victoria for her accession to the throne in 1837. This would have been the day of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

22-Jun 07:30 @ToniWantsToVote

Have been repairing my #dividedskirts and cleaning knee abrasions. But…today #IWillHelpPeople because @NUWSS has the word out. #Tired #RefreshedInSpirit #IHaveSoreKnees

22-Jun 08:00 @BreakerMorant #TheNewHospital

The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) hospital opened today. Mother tells me I should be polite, but the women there are a bunch of trumped-up old biddies. Still, they have wireless communication. We have arranged to admit people to the hospital and evacuate those discharged through the Charring Cross station.


22-Jun 09:00 @BreakerMorant #GodBlessTheQueen

At the breakfast handover, we announced we could start directing refugees with medical problems to the hospital.


We toast Queen Victoria for her accession to the throne in 1837. This would have been the day of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations.


22-Jun 10:00 @ToniWantsToVote
22-Jun 10:00 @ToniWantsToVote

#Hospital is now ready for patients. #WeHaveMedicines #WeHaveEquipment

22-Jun 13:30 @ToniWantsToVote

#MorningClinic done. People have to come so quietly. #hiding #streets #redweed

22-Jun 13:47 @ToniWantsToVote
22-Jun 13:47 @ToniWantsToVote

#InPatients We have some! But so #sick.

22-Jun 14:00 @HGWells #RedWeed

On the 14th day of his confinement Wells enters the kitchen, and is surprised to find that the fronds of the red weed had grown right across the hole in the wall, turning the half-light of the place into a crimson-coloured obscurity.

22-Jun 14:15 @BreakerMorant #FirstSigns

Lookouts report a stationary tripod in Lambeth.

22-Jun 14:45 @BreakerMorant #TheLambethTripod

Vogan and I investigate the stationary tripod. There is no movement from the tripod except for crows that are pecking at something.

22-Jun 15:15 @BreakerMorant #TheLambethTripod

The local men are keen to bring it down, but we convince them it is safer to set a gunpowder charge off next to one of its legs tomorrow if it’s still there.

22-Jun 19:06 @ToniWantsToVote

@GraceHarwood and I have #RelocatedFractures #BandagedWounds #antisepsis #WishIHadXrays #ClinicalReasoningIsGood