About Andrew

Writer, editor and publisher including: former principal for the Davies Literary Agency; editor and publisher of The Western Australian Year Book for a number of years; and editor and writer for Afterlife - the Magazine for Atmosphere users.

Our November update (newsletter) is now available

Nov2015webpagethumbnailOur second newsletter for the year is now available. The newsletter includes information on:

  • Coming soon
    • ON by Jon Puckridge
  • Recent releases
  • Other news
    • The latest book trailer for ON by Jon Puckridge
    • The latest book trailer for Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb
    • Artwork reveal for Frontier Defiant, the last in the Frontier series by Leonie Rogers
    • Lesley Truffle’s Hotel Du Barry to be released by Harper Collins in January
    • Hague Publishing on Social Media.

For the complete newsletter see here.

‘ON’ is now available for pre-order

Blue bleeding down a white cover with ON

‘ON’ by Jon Puckridge (to be released in January 2016) is now available for pre-order from:

and soon from all other reputable eBook distributors.

OneWorld is a planet orbited by thousands of satellite cities, and home to 23 billion humans. A place where governments, police forces and law courts compete for business within a wholly privatised system; where murder, rape and torture are merely extra items on your insurance policy; where a corporation owns the license for time; and where scientific fact has been replaced by ‘consumer information’. In OneWorld, every product wirelessly links to the ‘grID’, and people spend most of their scheduled ‘waketime’ moving through various overlapping realities via their grID visors.

But now the precarious balance of OneWorld is tipping as the largest of the global corporations launches the next phase of networking: One Network, or ‘ON’. By the time Youren Cartouche, a copywriter working on the advertising campaign for ON, and Constantin Zann, an advanced bio-mechanical detective investigating the strange murder of a human girl, both uncover the truth, they will be fighting for their very existence within a reality disintegrating around them.

Read sample

Does online advertising work for books?

Cover of IBPA's The Independent showing computer keyboard

For a recent article in IBPA’s The Independent, Linda Carlson put the question of which advertising works to independent publishers and got some interesting, and insightful answers.

Linda’s questions focussed on:

  • Print Media Coverage
  • Paid Reviews
  • Giveaways and Deep Discounts
  • Public Relations, and
  • Online Ads

The consensus from those responding were were singularly unenthusiastic about online ads. An example being Devorah Fox’s comments, president of Mike Byrnes & Associates in Port Aransas, TX, who reported:

“When we hit 100 likes on our Facebook author page we received $50 in free Facebook advertising. We used it to advertise our book The Lost King with an ad that—per Facebook—could be seen by 22 million people and a Sponsored Story that targeted 940 users. There wasn’t a single click-through, and we can’t attribute a single sale to it.”

The full report is available at: IBPA online – Marketing whatever you have to market – promotion opportunities and issues – part 2

Back in November 2013 I wrote about a recent poll  conducted for USAToday and Bookish, a website designed to help people find and buy books, which asked readers what factors created interest in a particular book for them. The poll got the following responses:

  • 57% – their own opinion of the writer’s previous work;
  • 43% – opinions of a relative and friend (ie “word of mouth”);
  • 17% – professional reviewers and other writers;
  • 16% – the book cover; and
  • 10% – internet opinions by non-professionals (10%).

In short, people are interested in a book based on previous knowledge of the author’s work, word of mouth, or professional reviewers. Advertising simply doesn’t get a look in. And if you don’t believe that then you need to consider the click-through rates we get on our own adverts:

  • Click Through Rate = 0.05%, i.e. for every 2000 views of an advertisement, we expect to get 1 person clicking the advertisement to visit our site; and
  • Click Rate = 2%, i.e. for every 50 people visiting our site we expect to get 1 sale.

Back in May 2014, for a series of blog-ad designed to be viewed 86,000 times we were paying $330. That probably gave us 43 click-throughs, and some where between one and two sales. It simply doesn’t make financial sense. For more information you can read my previous post on this ([p2p type=”slug” value=”marketing-for-authors-what-to-expect-from-click-through-and-conversion-rates”][/p2p]).

So does online advertising work for eBooks work? In a word – no.

If, however, given this information you still want to undertake some social marketing then you may want to check out the article in the same edition of The Independent:
IBPA online – A practical guide to social media advertising part 1

For more information about the USAToday poll, and another poll conducted by ebookfairies you can read my previous posts concerning them at:

  • [p2p type=”slug” value=”how-people-chose-what-ebook-to-read-part-1″][/p2p]
  • [p2p type=”slug” value=”how-people-chose-what-ebook-to-read-part-2″][/p2p]


Our latest newsletter is now available

2014 was another big year for us with:

  • the release of three eBooks and one print on demand
  • three new authors signed
  • the introduction of book trailers as a standard part of the release package

and 2015 promises to be just as big.

Read about what’s been happening in our latest newsletter – now out. Catch up with the latest news and reviews on our most recent releases including: Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers, Across the Bridge of Ice by Ruth Fox, and Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb.


3 covers







What tagline works best?

ON-cover-strap2We have the new cover design for Jon Puckridge’s ON and we need your help with the tagline. At the moment we have six options but which one do you prefer? Let us know.
  1. Your identity is history.
  2. I think, therefore I am not.
  3. There’s no ‘I’ in network.
  4. The last thing you’ll see is the future.
  5. The latest product development is you.
  6. Everyone is no-one.

OneWorld, a planet orbited by thousands of satellite cities (SAT islands), and home to a civilization of 23 billion humans. A place where governments, police forces and law courts compete for business within a wholly privatised system. A place where: murder rape and torture are merely extra items on your insurance policy, a corporation owns the license for time, scientific fact has been replaced by ‘consumer information’, and history is traded on the stock exchange. Here; every product is wirelessly linked to the grID – a source of both data and geo-electric power, and humans spend most of their scheduled ‘waketime’ moving through various overlapping realities, via their grID visors.

But now the precarious balance of OneWorld is tipped when CoolGlobalGiant, the largest of the global corporations, launches the next phase of networking: One Network – or ‘ON’.

Week 2 of Ruth’s blog tour for ‘Across the Bridge of Ice’

Ruth's Blog Tour March 2-30


Ruth’s Blog Tour for ‘Across the Bridge of Ice’ is into its second week. This week she will be guesting at:

March 9 Guest blog – Mythical Books

March 10 Spotlight – Share My Destiny

March 13 Spotlight – Fantasy Book Lane

March 16 Interview – Diane’s Book Blog

Continue reading

Cover Reveal: “Cold Faith” by Shaune Lafferty Webb

Cover of Cold Faith - Sunny's face against a frozen background with two figures

Cold Faith by Shaune Lafferty Webb will be released May/June 2015.

A protracted volcanic winter has devastated Earth, leaving only isolated pockets of survivors. With food becoming scarcer and the air growing toxic, Rab sees just one chance for survival: a perilous journey north in search of a fabled city where ships were rumoured to have been launched, ferrying the people of Earth to a salvation planet.

But Rab didn’t count on being forced into taking the last three children from his dying village, or on coming across the hostile and sceptical Sunny living with her grandfather in comparative luxury among a large band of refugees in an underground sanctuary. When her grandfather begs to join Rab’s party, Sunny, to Rab’s dismay, insists on coming with them. Years ago, Sunny had been the lone survivor of a similar quest. The reason behind the failure of that quest is something Sunny has never revealed, not even to her grandfather. And Rab is now to discover why.

‘Frontier Resistance’ is now available as a paperback!

Cover of Frontier Resistance - 2 catsAlthough the official launch won’t occur until SwanCon in April, the paperback version of ‘Frontier Resistance’ is now available for purchase on Amazon for $11.45 US. It will be available from our own bookshop for $21 AUS in a couple of weeks (this price includes free postage). In the meantime if you can’t wait head across to: Amazon.com