Ditmar nominations open for 2015 – we need your support

 3 coversWe published three eBooks last year which are eligible to be considered for the 2015 Australian SF (“Ditmar”) awards. We need your support to ensure they are on the ballot paper. The three eligible are:

  • Lights Over Emerald Creek by Shelley Davidow
    eBook, published 28 Feb 2014 by Hague Publishing
  • Isis, Vampires and Ghosts –  Oh My! by Janis Hill
    eBook, published 30 Aug 2014 by Hague Publishing
  • Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers
    eBook, published 3 Oct 2014 by Hague Publishing

Please consider nominating any, or all of the above books.

Details on the awards, and on the nomination process follow.

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‘Across the Bridge of Ice’ by Ruth Fox will be available 31 January and is now available for pre-order

Cover for Across the Bridge of Ice
Across the Bridge of Ice by Ruth Fox will be released 31 January 2015, and can already be pre-ordered from the following stores:


and from our own store at: HaguePublishing

Across the Bridge of Ice is the sequel to The City of Silver Light of which has earned 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon.com and universal praise from those who have read it:

” … beautifully written with intriguing world building … ” Christina – Ensconced in YA

” I love … its delicious mix of genres; allegory, family story, fantasy, science fiction. … ” Readalot

“I heartily recommend this book at any reader who enjoys something a bit out of the general line.” Sally Odgers, Children’s and Teen Fiction Author

About the story

In ‘The City of Silver Light’, Keira Leichman spent the night lost in a wild snowstorm that struck Cassidy Heights. But what really happened that night? Not even Keira can be sure. What she does know is that she’s been having strange dreams since the accident, and now she’s stuck with a broken ankle and the possibility of never playing soccer again. Continue reading